
Foothill Dermatology Medical Center
Dermatology & Mohs Surgery Specialists located in Glendora, CA & Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Eczema is an irritable skin condition that typically first appears when you’re under a year old. At Foothill Dermatology Medical Center in Glendora and Rancho Cucamonga, California, Amarpaul Sidhu, MD, MPH, FAAD, FASDS, can help you manage your eczema and prevent or reduce symptoms throughout adulthood. To set up an eczema evaluation and treatment consultation, call Foothill Dermatology Medical Center or request an appointment online today.
What is eczema?
Eczema is a type of skin rash that often affects babies and small children, but many people in all age groups struggle with it. The terms eczema and dermatitis refer to a group of skin conditions with similar rash-like symptoms, but most people are referring to a specific type called atopic dermatitis when they use the term eczema.
Atopic dermatitis causes lots of itching and irritation, and often first appears during a baby’s first year of life. No matter your age, you should do your best to avoid scratching, as it can cause a skin infection. The symptoms can become so intense that you struggle to get enough sleep at night in spite of them.
Fortunately, Foothill Dermatology Medical Center offers relieving treatments that can ease the symptoms of eczema.
What are the symptoms of eczema?
Eczema symptoms in adulthood tend to be milder than they are for babies and small children. Common symptoms and features of eczema in adults are:
- Dry skin
- Hard-to-relieve itching
- Scaly skin
- Oozing or crusting
- Swelling
- Rashes in the inner knees and elbows
- Rashes at the nape of the neck
- Widespread rashes
- Thickening skin
Even if you had eczema as a child and no longer get the irritated rashes as an adult, you can get milder symptoms like very dry skin, itchy hands, and frequent eye irritation.
What causes eczema?
Experts aren’t sure what exactly causes eczema, but they believe there are genetic factors. That is to say, if you have family members with eczema, you’re likely to have it yourself. Eczema is not contagious, so you cannot spread it to anyone around you by touching them.
Several factors beyond family medical history seem to raise your chances of having eczema, including:
- Living in a cold climate
- Living in a city with lots of air pollution
- Having asthma or hay fever
- Having family members with asthma or hay fever
While no foods cause eczema, some research shows that certain food allergies might make eczema rashes worse or more frequent. Emotional stress and other triggers can also aggravate eczema, but they don’t cause the condition.
What are my options for eczema treatment?
Treatment won’t cure your eczema, but your dermatologist can work with you to find significant relief from your symptoms. A few treatments and tips for eczema relief are:
- Topical ointments
- Bleach bath therapy
- Avoiding personal triggers
- Regular bathing and moisturizing
- Using skin-sensitive laundry detergent
The same approaches do not work for everyone managing eczema, but your dermatologist at Foothill Dermatology Medical Center can visit and check in with you as you explore different recommended strategies and medications.
If you get eczema or symptoms that look like it, call Foothill Dermatology Medical Center or request an appointment online today.