Cosmetic Mole Removal

Moles are common, pigment-producing cells on your skin and lighter-skinned people tend to have more moles. So, basically, it's not something you should be embarrassed from but Dr. Amarpaul Sidhu provides his patients with cosmetic mole removal at Foothill Dermatology Medical Center in Rancho Cucamonga and Glendora, CA.
What are moles?
The Latin word for mole is nevus which means birthmark and the underlying cause is still unknown, although some theorize it to be a genetic factor or a result of sun damage. No matter the cause, moles appear during a person's childhood and adolescent years, and change in size and color with time. Moles also appear when hormone levels change, during pregnancy, for example.
Most moles are about 1/4 inch in diameter and benign but if moles develop during adulthood, they could be cancerous. If you're worried about a mole being cancerous, you need to speak with your Rancho Cucamonga and Glendora dermatologist immediately.
But what about those benign moles you don't like? How do you get rid of them?
Well, Dr. Sidhu provides his patients with cosmetic mole removal. It can be quite annoying for some people who have dozens of moles all over their body, especially if it's located on the face. A person's self esteem and confidence may crash and people put tons of makeup to conceal this issue. If you're one of those people, say goodbye to makeup and hello to a simple mole removal.
The procedure procedure only takes a few minutes and doesn't require too much downtime. Dr. Sidhu surgically removes the mole and covers the areas so as the surgical area heals properly.
If you're worried about cancer, a biopsy of the mole can determine the presence of cancerous cells and you may be offered other procedures like MOHS Micrographic surgery or cryosurgery.
After mole-removal surgery, there is a small scar that can go away with time, depending on factors like the age of the patient and size of the mole. The scars left are usually small and go unnoticed. Downtime could be anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on your situation so be sure to speak with your dermatologist about how long you'll need to recover.
Moles don't need to be a permanent problem. Your doctor can take care of it immediately. If you have unwanted moles and would like to contact your Rancho Cucamonga and Glendora, CA, dermatologist, Dr. Amarpaul Sidhu, call him at (855) 454-3401 for the Rancho Cucamonga, CA, office or (626) 852-3376 for the Glendora, CA, office today to schedule an appointment!